Bukit Farm Project
About our organic farm setup project.

Land reclamation
In August of last year, we launched crowdfunding, and in December, we started with BUKIT FARM PROJECT, which started with the support of many people, and the maintenance of land with thick trees and grass.

Plow the land
Till hard, dry land. It was harder than I expected, but all the staff gradually expanded it every day. Every time I plow, I feel that the number of good earthworms is increasing, the soil is soft, the grains are fine, and the texture is good.

Making ridges, sowing seeds
If you leave the work of making ridges to the staff, it will be a very unique shape! !!
It seems that ideas came from the leaf motif, the sun motif, and nature.
I also tried sowing seeds while learning, and tried them. It’s about half and half of failure and success, but I’m sure I’ve come to understand this land.

Growing, harvesting
There is a lot of field work such as daily watering, weeding, and pruning. But it feels good to grow plants along the natural flow.
I would like to increase the yield, disseminate the know-how of processing, sales, and farming to the local people, and use it for each person’s life and work. I will send from here!